In today's world, cost and affordability are more important than ever.
That's why we would be keen on getting quality and lasting devices that will enhance our work-life without breaking the wallets. Now that we are in more group meetings and such, quality conferencing devices will be a key factor in delivering the best meeting experience for our clients and customers.
Jabra Speak 410 (SGD $159)
Fuss-free and iconic, the Jabra 410 is the most affordable speakerphone that we found and it is perfect for personal use or even a small meeting size. Simply plug and play and it is ready.
Perfect when you need a personal speakerphone while working at home and simply having the flexibility to bring it to the office after Covid-19 situation is highly efficient.
One of the lesser-known brands in the market. Yealink actually excels in making some of the most recognisable VoIP phones in the market. Having a speakerphone section now, they are not shy to showcase their expertise in telecommunication devices.
Easily, the best entry-level Bluetooth conference speakerphone. Similar to the Jabra 410, only with the awesome ease of use with Bluetooth! Now you can simultaneously connect both your phone and your laptop seamlessly without any additional hassle.
Poly Calisto 7200 (SGD $299)
This is a speakerphone for those who can be able to appreciate a small but powerful speakerphone for group meetings.
Well, that is all the interesting speakerphones for now.
Perhaps we will do another update when we find more exciting speakerphones to share.
Take care & stay safe everyone!
Great Recommendation!